Tuesday, 28 February 2012


I decided to make cookies as it was an easy recipe to follow instructions and it was also a way for me to make a treat for my family. I got this recipe from an online website after going through numerous cook books.
Easy Cookie Cutter Recipe
  • 3 1/4 cups self raising flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 1/2 cups caster sugar
  • 150 grams butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1.     In a large bowl mix flour and baking powder.
2.     Cream butter, sugar and vanilla in a smaller mixing bowl.
3.     Add the eggs one at a time, making sure that egg is completely beaten in until adding next one. Then add milk.
4.     Add the butter mixture to the bowl with flour.
5.     Mix with mixer until well combined.
6.     Shape dough into a ball by hand.
7.     Cut dough into three parts.
8.     Between two sheets of baking paper, roll the dough out to an even thinness. Make sure the size of the baking paper sheets will fit your baking tray.
9.     Place the first sheet of dough (still in between the sheets of baking paper) onto a baking tray.
10.                        Roll out second part of the dough as you did with the first and place on it on top of the other sheet of dough on the baking tray.
11.                        Do the same for the third part of dough.
12.                        Place in the tray of dough sheets into the fridge for about 30 minutes.
13.                        Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
14.                        Remove from fridge and remove top layer of baking paper from one sheet of cookie dough. Use that baking paper to line the tray on which you will cook the cookies.
15.                        Place cookie cutter in dough and press out shapes. I actually sprayed the cookie cutter lightly with cooking spray as well; to make sure no dough would not stick to the shape.
16.                        Place cookie shape on baking paper on tray. Make sure you leave room for slight spreading.
17.                        Once you have cut out as many shapes as possible from the sheet of dough, roll into ball and roll out again between to sheets of baking paper.
18.                        Continue this process until you have used all dough.
19.                        Bake for approx 8 minutes or until golden.
20.                        Allow to cool on tray for at least 5 minutes before placing them on a rack to cool further.

(pictures in steps order)

Monday, 13 February 2012

My Holiday

With a new year came new holiday activities, new memories and more sunshine.

During my holidays I had a great time hanging out with friends and family, shopping, sleeping and watching movies. One of my favourite movies I watched these holidays with my friend was tower heist an action/comedy that had me laughing throughout the movie. I spent time shopping for clothes (as a girl always does) and catching up on sleep which was one of my enjoyable moments.

Besides hanging out with my friends, shopping and sleeping I also spent time with my cousins and one of my relatives that had came all the way from my home country, South Africa, to visit and spend time with all of us. We had many outings like dinner parties and even Christmas at my cousins and New Years Eve hosted by my family and I. There were many funny moments and a lot of embarrassing stories that came out through that time containing laughs and shame.

Also as hundreds of people flocked to the east coast of North Island, New Zealand I just happened to be one of those fellow people. Travelling with my family and without signal on my phone for half the trip to Waihi, for a few nights wasn’t my favourite idea of a holiday. But while I was away I got to see some beautiful beaches, spectacular scenery and even got to do one of my favourite things….Kayak after a couple of years.

So overall I had my ups and my downs to y school holidays and enjoyed it. One thing I do wish is that the holidays were longer!