Saturday, 9 June 2012

3 Day Episode-

What would you call it?
 What would you do each day?
Day 1: Learn about the business of broadcasting and what qualifications you need to have.
Day 2: Take a trip to a broadcasting studio. Find out what they do. What kind of audiences the look for. The type of technology that is used. ECT.
Day 3: Go to the broadcasting studio and have a go at being a news reader, DJ, host or a producer for the day by using all the knowledge and facts you have learnt from the previous days.
Is there a trip? 
Yes there is a trip to the broadcasting studios for radio (media works- radio) for both day 2 and day 3
How much does it cost?
$30 for transport
 What independent learning qualities will people develop?
Thinking, wise, creativity

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